How to Start Duck Farming – Ducks Breeding Guide

Learn how to start a successful and profitable Duck breeding or farming from this article. Find out more information on how to set up a duck farm correctly and how to profit from the business .

Some people have already gone to restaurants and saw on the menu that duck is one of the most expensive dishes in the place. Duck as a food is not uncommon to be found for sale in Nigeria and other countries, as this meat is considered extremely tasty and rich in protein.

For this reason, entering the duck breeding business, given the number of the bird in the country’s cuisine, can be a good undertaking and an excellent business to invest in, even for young beginners in the agricultural world.

Duck Farming
Ducks are very independent birds and have little appreciation for humans. Owners who are familiar to the point of having a duck as a domestic animal are seen as an exception in the veterinary and not the rule.
Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that they need a large outdoor area with the largest amount of space possible to be docile and to reproduce well, as they need to be feeling comfortable so that everything goes well and in a natural way.
The sale of the duck is a good incentive for those who want to start investing, as the value per kilo can be twice or triple that the sale of chicken and equals horse meat, another very profitable venture for breeders.
The initial investment required to raise ducks is also not the most expensive, being one of the easiest ways of raising animals for sale. For those who really want to embark on this business, follow the step by step on how to set up a duck farm.

Structure And Initial Investment Of A Duck Farm

Raising ducks does not require a large piece of land, just an area where they can move around, drink water, bathe and sleep in the shade and protected from the cold with tranquility.

Ideally, a basic structure of 20 square meters should be set up, but with large fences of two and a half meters, as this adult bird can fly higher than two meters.

It is also recommended that breeding is not done in residential neighborhoods, given the noise that animals make, especially at dawn and the odor that oozes out from birds waste products.

The assembly of the structure, cost with the matrices for the creation add an initial investment of R $ 350 (about 126,000 Naira). This sum includes the four birds that will start breeding, one male and three females, the construction of the installation, which should not cost more than R $ 52 (about 18,500 Naira), for the feed.

And the placement of wooden containers or containers for balanced feed, which will be the main thing responsible for the fattening of the animal and, consequently, of obtaining profit with the creation.

Ducks Breeds

The first step in starting a duck farming will be the search for the first animals to start breeding.

One male and three females must be purchased, as the same male can mate three fertile females without any risk to offspring or that infertile eggs are generated.

And even if that happens, duck eggs can be sold. Before making the purchase, evaluate the animals with the presence of a veterinarian with knowledge of the breed so that they do not invest in a female that is unable to reproduce.

For breeding aimed at slaughter or even for domestication purposes, which is not uncommon in Brazil in houses that have a large garden with a lake, the best known and best breeds for this purpose are the hillbilly, the muscovy duck and the German giant, all with white feathers on the body and a fine beak.

There is also the wild duck breed Carina moschata , protected by Ibama, but with a specific authorization it is possible to make the purchase and set up the breeding without any problem.

Period Of Reproduction Of Ducks

Ducks reproduce very simply, but a little slower than chickens. After the egg is laid, the hatching period lasts an average of 32 days for the new duck to come out of the shell, when it should always be left beside the mother for feeding and maturation.

He will be born without feathers and therefore should be separated from his parents only when the fluff is complete and can walk and feed alone, having reached almost the size of the couple that generated him.

There is no need to encourage the creation of ducks, they reproduce autonomously when raised all together. Some breeders even recommend that they should be raised as loosely as possible, a way to also encourage their healthy eating and thus stronger and fatter puppies for sale.

The main care for new puppies should be in their first 15 days of life, when they should not be separated from their parents, as well as watching their strong fluff growing.

It is worth remembering that it is extremely important to take care to prevent infection by worms, as the youngest animals may not exceed 15 days when infected.

The ideal is that the area of ducks is cleaned at least once a week, as well as the animals observed once a month. The water must be changed daily or at most every two days.

Wormers should be placed in the water eventually, at least twice a year to help animals in creating immunity and preventive.

Ducks Breeding Tips And Information

From the duck, you can enjoy the meat and eggs, considered to be of extreme nutritional value and therefore highly appreciated in cooking for two reasons: their content and the shell, which generates an incredibly nutritious flour.

An additional information to know is that males gain a little more weight than females, which can be up to four kilos of difference.

To achieve a high weight there is no secret: just feed the animals with a nutritious feed that can be bought in feed houses or prepared by a veterinarian.

Duck Breeding Facts

1. HOME: Among the most common breeds of varied colors found here are the domestic, also known as the redneck, originating from the crossing of ducks in South America; muscovy, or musk, of European origin; and the German, which is white and large. Carina moschata and putrião are wild ducks native to Brazilian fauna protected by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). Therefore, for creation, both need authorization from the State fauna management body.
2. ENVIRONMENT: As they are rustic, ducks are well adapted to different climates and regions. However, it is important that there is space with water so that birds can swim and reproduce. In terrain with some inclination, at each change of feathers, it is necessary to cut the guide ones on one of the wings, to prevent the bird from flying over the pens.
3. STRUCTURE: The minimum measures for a fence are 3 by 4 meters in area and 2.5 meters in height, with two interconnected walls made of bricks or wood, to protect the creation of strong winds. On the opposite side, use wire mesh to lift the sides. So that the birds are not exposed to the intense sun and rain, the walled corner can be used to set up a shelter with a nest, drinking fountain and feeder.

5. FEEDING: It cannot be missing, otherwise it favors a type of frightening of the bird’s legs. For infants, offer initial ration following the quantity guidelines on the manufacturer’s packaging. Complement with chopped vegetables. When moving on to the growth ration, continue with the addition of vegetables and add corn, wheat and oats. As adults, provide fattening rations for specimens intended for slaughter and, for females to increase egg production, serve as lay.
6. CARE: To prevent worms, twice a year apply a dewormer at the beginning and end of the laying. Despite being water birds, ducklings cannot have contact with water in the first 15 days of life. During this period, they still do not have skin with sufficient coverage of impermeable down. Keep the feeder always clean and away from contamination, in order to guarantee healthy and robust birds.
7. REPRODUCTION: It occurs in water, when the birds reach seven months of age. The duck can mate up to four females, which are great mothers. They perform four layings per year, yielding a total of close to 50 ducklings. After about 32 days of cuttlefish, the chicks are born and are ready to drink water and eat growth food on the second day of life.

8. DUCK EGGS: Duck Eggs are more nutritious than that of chickens. This is why many people that are away of this are going for it. It is also bigger in size.

How to Start Duck Farming (SUMMARY)

  1. Prepare a business plan for ducks farming
  2. Acquire a Place for Your Ducks
  3. Set your targets
  4. Get a Particular special Breed
  5. Start With Few Ducklings
  6. Young Ducks are better to Start With
  7. Feed the Ducks well
  8. Allow Ducks for Mating
  9. Consider Getting a Garden Keeper
  10. Check Your Duck Eggs Frequently
  11. Selling the Duck Products


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The Author

Mr. Wisdom

Mr. Wisdom is a tech guru who turned his passion for ICT into a successful entrepreneurial career. He believes in the power of technology to improve our lives and businesses, and enjoys sharing personal anecdotes about how tech gadgets have transformed his routine and fueled his journey. He is constantly immersed in the latest gadgets and is eager to help others navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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